Monthly Archives: October 2014

My Extra Scene

This is an extra scene I have written that is not in the book. It occurs after Mildred leaves in the car at the beginning of part three.

Mildred rushed into the waiting beetle car, continuing to mutter to herself “The poor family. What have I done? What did he do? The poor family!” Mildred lay her head back as the car flew down the deserted streets. Mildred looked out the darkened windows, suddenly feeling jealous of the people in the houses the car went past. She leaned forward slightly and pressed down the button to speak to “the driver”. “Take me somewhere fun, somewhere I can forget about this. A place I can restart.” After hearing “the driver” accept her request, Mildred opened up the small bag to her right and pulled out her box of pills. She put two in her mouth and brought a glass of water to her lips before spitting out the pills and just drinking the water. She was unsure why she did this as this had never happened before but she just didn’t want them, she was tired of feeling happy. Mildred wound down the window, a cool breeze coming through, blowing her hair around slightly. The only sound was the car racing down the road, too fast to even see anything properly. Blurred houses and trees were only just visible, not that Mildred cared about them. She flicked the switch next to her, bringing down the large screen and turned onto to a show she had never seen before. Mildred stared blankly at the tv, watching but not really taking it in. The car stopped and the screen went up, Mildred unfolded herself, stepping out of the beetle. She looked around and found herself in a field, not one filled with grass or any sort of nature but, one filled with TVs. Big ones, small ones, some broken, some still turned on. To most of society this would have been heaven and Mildred would usually love this but, for some reason, she wanted to just go home, forget this day and go back to Montag. She took one last look around the field before going back to the car. The entire ride back to her house, Mildred gazed out the firmly closed windows, looking out at the emptiness of the city. The beetle stopped outside her house soon enough and Mildred anxiously got out of her seat. She took one look of what was left of the house and sunk to the floor. Tears came down her face before she could stop them, she wasn’t really sure why though. “What happened? What did I do? What did he do? Oh, my family is gone,” and for the first time she stopped thinking about the “family” and actually felt for her real family.